Sunday, September 10, 2023

Enchant Your Fireplace: Floating Witch Hats and Candles for Halloween

Oh hey there! I have had a week from hades y'all, we set records for high temps.  We do however have some cooler temps and rain on the way, so the weather man says! *shrug*   As I mentioned last week, I have one more fun addition to my Halloween fireplace decor that I wanted to share with you.

NOTICE: If you do not care for Halloween or have some type of aversion to it, please move along.

As Halloween approaches, it's time to transform your home into a spooky and enchanting wonderland. One area often overlooked for festive decor is the fireplace. In this blog post, I will guide you through a delightful DIY project that combines the whimsical with the eerie: floating witch hats and candles. This creative addition will cast a spell of Halloween magic over your living space. Let's get started!

Materials Needed:

  1. Witch hats (preferably black)
  2. Fishing line or transparent thread
  3. Needle
  4. Flameless Floating LED candles
  5. Flat White Thumb Tacks
  6. Scissors

      • Step-by-Step Guide:

        1. Prepare Your Witch Hats:

          • Start by choosing witch hats that are lightweight and have a wide brim. Classic black hats work best for this project, but feel free to get creative with different colors or patterns.
        2. Thread the Fishing Line:

          • Thread your needle with a length of fishing line, leaving enough excess for hanging. Knot the end securely.
        3. Attach the Fishing Line:

          • Carefully insert the needle through the top of the witch hat, near the point. Pull the line through, leaving the knot inside the hat. Repeat this process for each hat you plan to hang.
        4. Position the Witch Hats:

          • Determine where you want to hang the hats above your fireplace. Consider arranging them at varying heights for a dynamic and magical effect.
        5. Secure the Fishing Line:

          • Attach a piece of double-sided tape or adhesive putty to the inside of the hat's brim. Press the fishing line onto the adhesive to keep it in place. This will prevent the hats from sliding down the line.
        6. Hang the Witch Hats:

          • If possible, use Command hooks to affix the fishing line to the ceiling or a mantel. If you don't want to make any permanent marks, consider using removable hooks or loops. Adjust the height and spacing of the hats as needed.
        7. Add the Floating Candles:

          • Place flameless LED candles on the fireplace mantel. For an extra eerie touch, choose candles that flicker to mimic real flames.
          • Set the Mood:

            • Dim the lights to create a cozy and spooky atmosphere. Turn on the LED candles to cast an enchanting glow, and watch as the witch hats appear to float eerily above the fireplace.

      • With this simple yet enchanting DIY project, you've added a touch of magic to your Halloween decor. The floating witch hats and candles bring an otherworldly charm to your fireplace, creating a captivating focal point for your spooky celebrations. Enjoy the bewitching ambiance and have a spellbinding Halloween!
    1. For more fun Fall ideas, go visit my Instagram. I post every single day. Find me @TexasBlueBunglaow on Instagram.

      1. If you loved any of these ideas and want to save them for later, be sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board.  I have a Pinterest board set up for all kinds of Fall Decorating ideas and it's called Fall Decor to Try.  I'm pinning something new on Pinterest every day. Won't you join me?

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  1. DeeDee, I am absolutely enchanted by your floating witch hats and candles DIY.
    Thank you for sharing them at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week. I'm delighted to be featuring this project at tonight's party and pinning too.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

    1. Hi Kerryanne! Thank you my sweet friend, what a wonderful surprise!


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