Showing posts with label pond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pond. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Little Pond

 ♥Happy Mama's Day!♥

Well hello there!  Welcome back to Clover House.  When we first looked at this house I spotted the pond just off the patio in the back yard, partially covered with a tarp and full of dirty water.  I didn't care, I just knew we could get it all fixed up and back to its original beauty!  Just look at all the grass and weeds growing in the pea gravel and you can also see the tarp too.  We love us some water features, so we were ready to make her pretty again!
{We got it all weeded! Whew!}
So one day when we decided to get it up and running.  Off to Home Depot for a few more of the molded plastic ponds, a bit of plastic tubing, some heavy duty rubber lining and a pump.  Then later we went  to Lowe's for some sand and pea gravel.  We just got a few bags of each.  Little did we know that it would end up requiring 5 bags of sand and 15 bags of pea gravel! Gosh, that's lots of little rocks!
{Here's a few of the supplies}
I had to go to work the day the pond actually became beautiful again, but my honey and his brother took over the job and got it all going by the time I got home that day!
{One layer of rubber lining, one layer of sand and then the long plastic pond}
You see, there was already an attempt of the water fall feature made by previous owners, but it was all crumbled and not hold the water properly so it required a little fast thinking and hard work to make it flow properly.
{more sand and another plastic pond}
Lots of sand was added to fill in all the gaps and cover the  liner. They worked hard to get just the right pitch for the water to flow freely and steadily down to the main pond.
{Here is the layout of the pond in it's full form}
I don't know if you can tell or not, but there is still no water fall yet. Hmmm, more work to do I guess!
{Testing, testing...1...2...3.  YES! It works!}
I didn't have any doubts that my honey could get the pond up and running! When he puts his mind to something he follows through till PERFECTION!
{Houston...we have a waterfall!}
There's the waterfall. That thing is so very heavy.....solid cement!  Oh look at the beautiful colored rocks sitting there in each little nook! I love that accent!
{A little more water flow to get it to run clear}
As you can see in these pictures, there is no pea gravel down yet.  Did I tell you they used about 15 bags of pea gravel? Um yeah, that's a lot a teeny little rocks huh?
{My honey placing the pretty rocks just so}
Oh and you see to the right of the waterfall? That's Mandy.  She's a beautiful Mandevilla my honey bought for me to doll up our lovely new pond area.  She's a climber and she's gonna love where we've planted her.....but that's another story for another day!
{Just add plants}
We are slowly and steadily gathering plants to go around the pond area.  One day it will be a lovely blooming place to sit and enjoy the trickling water fall.

So there's our pond.  What do you think?  Would you like to hang out here? We do every chance we get!  It's so amazing to see how the birds are attracted to the water....or maybe its the bird see we sit out for them? Hmmmm.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I've added a poll in the upper right hand corner of the blog.  Please share your answers with us if you'd like, I'll be interested to know which answer wins! Oh and to help you along.....We've been trying some really yummy new recipes and we share well with others! heehee

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

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