Sunday, November 3, 2019

10 Benefits of Butterfly Tea

Have you ever heard of Teami Tea?  Well, I hadn't either until I was contacted by @TeamiKrista over on Instagram to try out their products.  Yall! This is literally the best tea EVER and I'm not just saying that either, it truly is! #teamipartner

Also known as “the beauty tea,” this blend is refreshingly light with jasmine and stevia for a natural hint of sweetness! I love it!
I chose the Butterfly Tea and the red tumbler.  This tumbler is so easy to use and the tea taste wonderful!  It may be hard to tell in my photo, but it’s a lovely shade of blue which is also fun! Here’s a little bit more about it:

Bursting with antioxidants, this caffeine-free herbal tea works to increase wellness and vitality. Known as "the beauty tea" because of its beautifying and anti-aging properties, this delicious blend can be drank morning or night to encourage vitality from head to toe. Originally blue in color, the unique tea changes colors depending on what you add to it! Lemon or acidic fruit will change it to purple and honey will change it pink. Butterfly pea flower works to relieve stress and anxiety and aid in digestion while jasmine tea boosts the immune system and promotes better skin health. Finally, stevia, an all-natural sweetener, aids in weight loss and protects oral health. Customize your beauty regimen and your wellness with the Teami Butterfly Tea Blend!

My favorite thing to do is have a nice soak in a hot bath whilst sipping my hot Teami Butterfly Tea and listen to a little Big Band music before bed. How nice does that sound?  The Butterfly Tea has no caffeine, so its perfect for sipping right before bedtime.

Use my code DDC30 to save 30% off your order of $34 or more. This code is good through the rest of November. #thankyouteami

On a side note, I seriously love it here in our master bathroom since we recently finished up the makeover.  See those details here.

Now for the actual benefits of Teami Butterfly Tea.  The following is directly from the TeamiBlends website.  Please visit TeamiBlends here for more information and products.

10 Health Benefits of Butterfly tea

1) Anti-aging- Over time, our bodies take in and metabolize a lot of oxygen, leading to cell oxidation and the inundation of something called “free radicals” into the body. These tricky little byproducts are linked to causing diseases and increasing aging effects. Not something anyone wants in their body! Butterfly pea powder is loaded with antioxidants- the kind that fights off these free radicals, slowing down aging at its cause. This gorgeous tea naturally prevents aging, so get to drinking! 

2) Anti-inflammatory- Butterfly Pea powder has been renowned for years in the field of Ayurvedic medicine for its limitless uses, and a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy only proved these uses are still relevant today. 
In a study determining the effectiveness of a butterfly pea powder solution, researchers discovered that it can “significantly reduce body temperature” when the subject is suffering from a fever. This low-calorie, high-benefit drink may just be the answer if you’re not one to turn to lab-made pharmaceuticals at the first sign of illness. 

3) Boosts Immune System- Solutions of this powerful plant were also tested against an array of bacteria and proved to fight against common bacteria when ingested regularly. 

This tea is a health must for those long winter months when everyone seems to be full of snot and sniffles. Drink up and give your immune system some help fighting off those nasty bacteria! 

4) Keeps Skin Clear and Glowing- With its natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, this elixir not only prevents signs of aging but fights off the bacteria and inflammation that cause acne and uneven complexion! 

5) Boosts Metabolism- A healthy, active metabolism is vital for fighting off excess weight gain and for maintaining your weight. If you’re feeling a discouraging plateau in your health journey, your metabolism might just need a proper boost to burn a few more calories! Dr. Irina Radosevic stated, "Blue tea can help this process by boosting the effects of the fat-burning hormone, norepinephrine."

It’s well known that green tea can help give your metabolism a leg up, but butterfly pea tea is even more powerful in this regard! It contains loads of potent antioxidants called catechins.
 There are different types of these catechins, but the one to look out for is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) because it is proven to support and enliven our metabolism! Green tea has some of these properties, but the oxidation process used in harvesting and drying can damage those effects. If you’re looking out for your metabolism, grab the blue tea, not the green! 

6) Reduces Disease-causing Fat- Because this tea targets your metabolism to increase calories burned overall, it also aids in getting rid of fat. But there is more than one type of fat! 
Subcutaneous fat is held under the surface of the skin, which is what adds pant sizes and can be seen and felt on the outside of the body. However, the more dangerous and disease-causing fat lies inside your body. This is called visceral fat, it pads the space between your organs, and is what leads to diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure among other health issues. It's easiest to "see" this fat in older men who are overall slim but have a prominent "beer belly."
Butterfly pea tea targets that visceral fat and works to get rid of it, meaning over time, this tea packs a punch when it comes to health benefits! Of course, it works best when paired with eating well and exercise and is not a cure for those diseases, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and adding in Butterfly tea will help knock out that visceral fat better than just cutting back on pizza and sweets. 

7) Reduces Stress + Anxiety- Butterfly pea flower has been known to be adaptogenic - helping the body deal with stressors.  Its calming effect on the body and mind can be used to reduce stress and anxiety that you're feeling. Clitoria Ternatea has even been shown to possess moderate anxiolytic and anti-depressive effects when tested in the lab. 
8) Lowers High Blood Pressure- The importance of this tea in Ayurvedic medicine cannot be overlooked, and for years, this natural compound has remained relatively unknown. However, a recent study in the journal Psychopharmacology has proven that its abundance of theanine (that helpful little enzyme again) was useful for reducing and regulating the blood pressure of the study’s subjects.
9) Fights Insomnia- Because this beautiful tea is made by drying out the leaves of the Clitoria ternatea flower, it is classified as a tisane, a type of herbal tea. Herbal teas like those made from the butterfly pea powder contain no caffeine, and this tea’s ability to stimulate the production of dopamine reduces stress and anxiety that can lead to sleepless nights. Check out how sleep can impact your overall health here!
10) Helps Regulate Blood Sugar- Is there nothing this miracle tea can’t do? In a study published in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, butterfly pea powder proved to reduce and even stabilize levels of blood glucose concentration.

We would never suggest this be your only treatment of diabetes, but for those looking to regulate their blood sugar through dietary means, this tea would be a wonderful addition to your routine!
After my long soak in a hot bath, its off to sleep in my snugly bed.  Use my code DDC30 at check out to save 30% off your order of $34 or more. This code is good through the rest of November.  Click here to check out the entire line of Teami Teas and other products that you didn't know you couldn't live without!

Look at this really cool Teami Pitcher that I want to get! I love it!

If you loved this idea and want to save it for later, be sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board.  I have a Pinterest board all set up just for Yummy Drinks and I'm pinning something new every day. Won't you join me?

GREAT NEWS!  I now have an Amazon Storefront!  If you ever want to purchase anything I'm showing you here, you can pop over to my shop and see what I've picked out for you! Click right here to visit.

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)
The Self Sufficient Home Acre

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  1. DeeDee your bathroom is gorgeous! I will definitely have to try the tea as well :)

    1. Hi Christina! Thank you so much, I really appreciate the kind compliment! I hope you enjoy the tea as much as I do! :)

  2. Love your bathroom. Looks like a very good tea.

    1. Thank you so much for that sweet compliment, the tea is very good! :)

  3. Sounds delicious and so relaxing!
    Thank you for linking up w us at Creative Muster!
    Blessings to you. xoxoxoxo Sharon

    1. Hi Sharon! Thank you so much for stopping by to leave a message, I truly appreciate it! :)

  4. Sounds yummy! Thanks so much for sharing with us on Farm Fresh Tuesdays! I hope you'll come back this evening or tomorrow for our 3 Weeks of Thanksgiving Special Hop Event!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa, it is really yummy and I hope you can try it! :)


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