Sunday, June 11, 2023

I Painted Stripes on My Garden Shed

Hey yall, how are ya?

Well, it finally got hot in Texas.  We've been in the 90's lately but we've got some 100 degree days on the way soon.  That's actually pretty good for Texas, being the middle of June and just now heating up.  I'll take it.

I mentioned last week that I had not felt creative.  I'll be directly honest, I have been sad lately.  Sometimes life gets overwhelming and causes me to just shut down creatively.  I guess that's normal for most creative people, it is for me.  Anywhoodie doodie  I decided to do something fun to cheer myself up.  I decided to paint my shed in the back yard.

I actually got the idea a week or so ago but we've been having rain off and on and just didn't get to it until now.  This is an easy and quick project that makes a big difference.

First of all I cleared away all the "stuff" and pondered my plans.

I used my patio broom to sweep off any dirt or cobwebs.  I also used my leaf blower (not shown) to get all the dust off before I started painting.

This frame in my video cracked me up, so I had to share it.  While I was shaking up my left over paint I leaned out to see what the loud noise coming down the street was.  Other people's children and their loud vehicles.  I guess their tail was on fire!

Here's what I used:

Leftover paint, the same color I used for my front steps.

Paint brush - I used an angle brush so I could be more detailed.

Paper towels for drips.

Good music to paint to.

Do you like to paint?  I do!  Let's do it!

Starting at the top using a large brush because I thought that would make my job go faster, but I soon found out that I needed my angle brush, so I could cut straight lines and not get paint on the boards I wanted to leave white.  I painted every other wood panel, so I had to be really careful where the paint was going.  See, easy!

I love colorful and whimsy, so this paint style is perfect for the cottage garden I'm trying to achieve in my backyard.

When I finished the large panel of wood on the left, I moved on over to the small section to the right and did the same painting there.  

When I was done painting with the orange paint, I went back and touched up any booboos with my white paint.  While I was at it, I touched up any bare wooden spots to help keep the weather out.

I'm still debating if I should paint the top and bottom panel of the door orange.  Would that be too much? Sometimes I never know when to stop! lol!

This was a really easy and quick update that made a huge difference in the look of my little garden area and I love it!

Don't get me wrong, I was second guessing myself about half way through.  Cracking jokes to myself like..... Hello Whataburger, is that you?  Or.......The circus has come to town and ended up in my backyard! lol!

If you're not from the south and don't know what Whatburger is, for one you're missing out and two, orange and white stripes is their thing!  See here.

Thanks for visiting me! Come back soon to see what I do next. 

If you loved any of these ideas and want to save them for later, be sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board.  I have a Pinterest board set up for all kinds of fun stuff for the backyard and it's called Backyard IdeasI'm pinning something new on Pinterest every day. Won't you join me?

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  1. How cute is that? Love it! I found your post at a party and wanted to let you know that I host parties too. Won’t you drop by and linkup with me?


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