
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Tropical Green Smoothie with a Secret Ingredient

We've been trying to eat better because of course that makes us feel better, so today I have a recipe I found on Pinterest (original link HERE) and thought I'd share it with you.  We've added a secret ingredient to our smoothie for an extra health benefit.  Keep reading. 
Doesn't that look yummy?   That's because it is!  Even though this is a green smoothie, its sweet so that makes it even better in my books!
You will need the following items to make your very own glass of yumminess!

Tropical Green Smoothie

1 - 13.5oz can of Coconut Milk (1 1/2 cups)
1 - Handful of greens (I used Kale, Spinach and Chard)
1 - large Banana (Very ripe and frozen is best)
1/2 cup - Mango Chunks (Frozen is best)
1/2 cup - Pineapple (Frozen is best)
1 - Lime's juice and zest
Optional - SECRET INGREDIENT - We added a few sprigs of fresh Cilantro from our garden just because is has amazing health benefits!  See below for all the benefits.
Add all of your ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.
Enjoy immediately.  This makes enough for two smoothies, one for me and one for my Honey!

ABOUT OUR SECRET INGREDIENT:  Did you know that CILANTRO lowers blood pressure, guards against bacterial infection from Salmonella, reduces swelling, helps in the prevention of urinary tract infections, relieves arthritis, helps reduce nausea, reduces cholesterol, reduces cellulite, improves digestion, relief for stomach aches, eases mood swings associated with premenstrual syndrome, reduces cramping, promotes liver function, disinfects and detoxifies the body, lowers blood sugar, helps with insulin secretion, works as a natural anti-fungal and antiseptic for skin, works as a lung expectorant and helps conjunctivitis and other stresses on the eyes.  See HERE for original post I borrowed this information from.

We have about 6 Cilantro plants growing in our garden and it comes back with no help at all year after year.  I'm almost sure we have a little bit of Cilantro every single day in our meals.  It's good and good for you!
And of course, every tropical drink is better with an umbrella straw!  I hope you try this smoothie and enjoy it as much as we do.  This is definitely a keeper!

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:

These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home
We Call It Junkin


  1. Hi Dee Dee, just letting you know I will be featuring your recipe tonight at 8pm on Best of the Weekend!

  2. Thanks for sharing on my last fabulous friday party, hope to see this week

  3. Also forgot to mention, that I went on a green smoothie diet and felt very energized



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