
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Garden Plant Markers

A few weeks back we planted our garden and since my honey did all the planting, I kept forgetting where everything was located.  I'm pretty sure he was tired of me asking made some plant markers using supplies I already had on hand.  Guess what? That makes them FREE! YAY!
Even the little plant clip art was free too!  Can you guess what I used as the markers yet?
You guessed it, left over wooden blind slats!  You're so smart!!  I hold on to these hoping to use them for something good and not have to throw them away.  Look HERE for another project I used them for.
I found this free veggie clip art on HERE.  They were perfect size for my project.

You will need the following items to re-create my plant markers:
Veggie Clip Art
Sharpie Marker - black permanent ink
Wooden Slats cut to 12" lengths (I used our chop saw to cut these)
Mod Podge in the Outdoor formula
Foam paint brush (small)
After you print out your clip art, using sharp scissors, cut out each picture staying pretty close to the printed area.
I situated the clip art at the top of the markers for placement and then with the Sharpie, I wrote in the name of each vegetable.  Let the Sharpie dry really well and then proceed to using the Mod Podge to hold it all in place.
I swiped on a bit of glue, laid the clip art down, then went over the entire wording and clip art two more times with Mod Podge.  Let each thin coat dry really well before going on to the next.
And here it is out in the garden.  The markers slid into place really easy and now I don't have to ask my honey bun where each plant is anymore! LOL!
Have you made garden plant markers for your garden?  What did you use?  Leave a comment and let me know!

Check out last week's post about Making Your Own Organic Compost.

More garden projects:
Raised Bed Garden (Part 1)
Raised Bed Garden (Part 2) 
Raised Bed Garden (Part 3)
How to Make a Small Garden
Making Your Own Organic Compost 

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:

These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home
We Call It Junkin


  1. What CUTE (and practical) plant markers! I'd like to feature this post today at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. This is so darling! I love that it is a free project too! Just my style :) I found you via the feature at Tuesdays with a Twist from Stone Cottage Adventures. Have a lovely week!

  3. This is a good use of those slats! I'd have held onto them too!
    I've used popsicle sticks and tongue depressors.?NOT USED ... They were new from dollar tree! ;)

  4. Those are as cute as can be and I love it that you were able to give something a new use! I just re-use popcicle sticks..... not near as cute, but they get the job done. Maybe I should pretty them up a bit!

  5. These are very stylish, and a wonderful job of repurposing.

  6. They turned out so cute! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features this week at the Make it Pretty party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link so you can check out your feature. Hope you have a lovely week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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