
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Cleaning Your Beauty Blender

This post is again, a little off topic from what we usually talk about here on the blog, but every now and again I find a really good beauty tip and I have to share it with you!
For Christmas I received my very first ever Beauty Blender.  They are not cheap so I try my best to take good care of it.  I've tried several ways to clean my cute little pink makeup sponge, but with no luck until now.  I found my remedy on Pinterest of course.
Dawn dish soap to the rescue!  You will need a microwave safe bowl, Dawn dish soap and hot tap water.
See my little blender there?  That's actually what it would look like after I "washed" it using my hand soap in the bathroom.  It doesn't look very clean huh?  Actually it was pretty clean, but very stained by my makeup. 
First, I added hot tap water to my bowl with Dawn dish soap.  I worked my sponge by squeezing and releasing until I thought I had it pretty clean.  After that, I let it sit for about an hour while I finished making supper.
Next, I rinsed it under warm running water until it was free of any soapy bubbles.  Looks pretty good now!  Look how much make up is in the bowl of water there!
After I rinsed my bowl out really well, I added more water to the bowl, dropped my blender in and gave it a good squeeze so it would fill with water and then popped it into the microwave for about 1 minute 45 seconds.  This sanitizes it so no creepy crawlies will grow in it.  CAUTION! The bowl and water will be very hot.  Please be careful and remove the bowl from microwave and let cool.
Now I have a freshly cleaned and sanitized sponge to help cover all my experience lines with! YAY!  I do this cleaning process about once every two weeks to make sure I'm not smearing all kinds of yucky germs on my face daily.  In the meanwhile, I continue to wash it with hand soap after each use.

Want to see what I've shared in the BEAUTY section on my blog?  Look HERE.

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:

These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home
We Call It Junkin


  1. I don't use foundation but this is awesome! Thanks for sharing. I will pass this bit of information on to my daughter!
    Blessings My Friend,

  2. Thank you for this awesome tip!! Found it on the Tip Junkie!! I am commenting from my Whimsy Couture blog account since I don't have a valid account for commenting here for :)

  3. This is a very useful post! I love my beauty blender but it is sometimes a pain to keep clean. Great tips! - Seri from


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