
Sunday, December 3, 2017

How to Create a Gorgeous Holiday Mantel on the Cheap!

You don't have to spend a lot on decorations to make your home look beautiful this holiday!  Try shopping your own home to see what you have before spending loads of money on holiday stuff!
I spent a total of $6 on our mantel this year.  I bought the two candles at the Dollar General on Black Friday for $2.50 each and I found the "Merry Christmas" sign at the Dollar Tree for $1! Bargain!  All the other items you see here I have collected over the years.
I knew I wanted a lit garland on the mantel, so I went to our Christmas goodies to see what we had.  I grabbed some twinkle lights and faux garland.  The garland was really long so I folded it in half and twisted it a bit to hold it.  Next I wrapped the lights around it to hold it all together.  Our mantle is a little over 5 foot long, so this was just right.
Next I shopped my stash of holiday picks.  I've saved these from fresh wreaths we've had in the past and my Mama saves things for me too. *wink*  I also went to my craft supplies and grabbed a ribbon and some baker's twine.  You'll see why shortly.

I placed the garland with lights up on the mantel and made sure the lights still worked after I "man-handled" them to get them wrapped up on the garland. Next I added my sign. Looking cute so far!
Then I added my sweet little bargain candles that smell delicious!  I just sat them in a vintage plate for added charm and protection.
Now to decorate the garland.  I used this method of making little poofs so I didn't waste too much of my ribbon.  Cut your ribbon to size (depends on what look you want) and then tie the end with a small piece of twine to hold it all together.
Now you're ready to tuck them in here and there and everywhere.
I just placed them around the garland and then stepped back to see if it looked even to me. Anything YOU like is fine!
Next I just grabbed my floral holiday picks and started tucking them in here and there.  Again, no right or wrong here, just make it look the way you want it to.
I tied a regular bow for the center of the mantel and I added it right above the sign.  I made mine with long streamers so they could come down and tie the sign in to the whole set up.

Keep adding your picks and poofs until its just the way you like it.  I would just add a few things and then step back and see if it was all even looking and then go on from there.
Do you see the "cute" vent peeking through and disturbing my pretty mantel look?  Those are for when we use the fireplace, but that is rare because we live in Texas yall and its not normally cold enough for a fire, but anyways.  I thought of a way to "cover" them up.
I added a plastic plate charger that I got from Walmart a few years ago.  You can usually get these for $1 in most places.  Shop your stash yall!  Also, if we want to use the fireplace, I will just remove the chargers and we'll be good to go.
I snapped several pictures for this post and when I looked back at them all I could see is the little vent peeking through and looking at me!
And now you're just glowing in the back ground little vents! Um, no!  Let's fix that right now!
BAM!  No more vents peeking through!  Thanks for your service $1 chargers!  Of course all of this is temporary and when the holidays are over you can just take it all down and save it for another look some other year.

Want to see more Christmas Ideas?  Click on the links below.

Vintage Tablecloth Curtain - The Christmas Version

How to Make Stove Top Potpourri

Countdown to Christmas with Free Printables

Peppermint Pretzel Bark - A Sweet Little Gift 

Clothespin Snowflake Ornament

DIY Vintage Christmas Decor

Christmas Shutter Decor

Clothespin Christmas Tree

Our Front Porch Tree

How to Wrap a Gift

Our Burlap Forest

Twig Snowflake Ornament

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)


  1. This is fabulous and I am all about creating something new from what you have an on the cheap!
    Brilliant way of using your mesh by cutting and using that baker's twine! Definitely stealing that idea! Thanks for sharing! #tipmetuesday

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much for the sweet compliment! I'm glad I could share a new tip with you too! :)

  2. Your mantel is lovely. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle.

  3. There are so many cool ideas here. First of all I love that you didn't spend a ton on this mantle and dollar store is definitely the way to go. And that trick with the ribbon is brilliant, it makes it look as if an actual ribbon is weaving through here and there. Finally I love how you hid the vents. Merry Christmas to you Dee Dee!!

    1. Thank you so very much for all the kind words Mary, you're a doll! Merry Christmas to you too sweet friend! :)


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