
Monday, September 2, 2013

Organize and Beautify Your Cabinets

New cabinets call for some organizing and beautification to make them look even more pretty and functional.  Right?
What a jumbled up mess I had going on in this cabinet!  I just threw things back into cabinets to get them off the counter tops.  The clutter was making me crazy!
I wanted to put some shelf paper down before I reloaded the cabinets.  I was a bit too inpatient for the top cabinets (clutter makes me coocoo), but I did wait for my new green Contact paper to arrived so I could paper the bottom ones before I filled them up again.  I found my perfect paper right HERE.
This is how the lower cabinets looked before I lined them with my pretty green paper.  Before this picture and the new paint, it actually had some old shelf liner on each shelf.  I peeled the old stuff off and then cleaned each shelf with Murphy's soap and water.  I let it dry for about 30 minutes then started papering!
So fresh and clean!  I really love it and I still cant get over the color being so perfect!  I lined every shelf in my kitchen with one roll of paper and I still have plenty left over for the new pantry when it gets built.  The rolls are 18" x 75'.  Plenty of paper for our small kitchen.
Originally when we built the corner cabinet we planned for a lazy susan so on to the internet I went to look for one.  Oh I found one alright!  Yeah! 18 inches of spinning goodness! Do you see there where it says its for corner cabinets?  Our giant sized corner cabinet needed a giant size lazy susan and I found one right HERE.  It holds up to 150 pounds!  I don't think my spices weigh quite that much, but you never know!
This is very awesome!  All my spices on one lazy susan.  I just placed them close to the edge with the labels facing out so finding what I need is always easy.  If I had two of something, I just lined them up one after the other so I know I have extras.
I even have extras space to add more spices if I want to.  And although its hard to tell in these pictures, there is still left over room around the lazy susan to put more stuff in the cabinet too.  I pushed the lazy susan all the way back to the back of the cabinet and then just pulled it forward a bit so it could freely spin.  Lots of leftover room!
Tah Dah!  So much spinny organization I can barely stand it!  Oh and pretty shelf paper too! Hey, I think the inside of that door needs a chalkboard painted on it!

And below are even more of my cleaning tips:

How to Clean Your Fridge Coils

How to Clean Your Return Air Vent

Cleaning an HE Washer with Household Products

Remove Hard Water Buildup Naturally

DIY Carpet Cleaning

Cleaning Your Hairbrush the Easy Way

Cleaning Your Oven

Cleaning Your Sink's Spray Nozzle

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)


  1. This is so pretty! I am going to line my cabinets this weekend...thanks for the tip!

  2. Such a great tip! I need to do this, bad. I'm hosting a candle giveaway that you should enter!

  3. Ugh, you just reminded me this is on my to-do list. :( But if I can make it look half as cute as yours then I'll be happy. Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features tomorrow and link up this post (and others)!

  4. The shelves look great with the green shelf paper-looks so fresh! Thanks for linking up with us this week at the BeBetsy Brag About It.

    Oh! and thanks for linking back to us. Take care and have a great weekend....

    Sharon and Denise ♥

  5. Very Cute! Thanks so much for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist.
    Happy Tuesday! Come on over and share your latest posts.

  6. Very nice~! Thanks for sharing at my Pin Me Linky Party!


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