
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Part 1: "Tiles" and Tribulation of Our Laundry Room

Happy Sunday! 

We are currently working on our laundry room to make it beautiful and pleasant to be in while I'm enjoying my new found savings in our $28/year homemade laundry soap. We started from the floor up. Reminder: We are rookies!
We headed on down to our local Lowe's and picked out some tile. Several hours later we came home with these lovely 12 x 18 porcelain ceramic tiles.  We wanted something different from the standard 12 x 12 squares and so we chose these. Happily, they were on clearance.  We bought all they had.  YAY!
This is what we started with. Uhmm eeew!  On the right is the picture we snapped while touring the house before we purchased it. Old ugly discolored vinyl flooring.  On the right, we "tried" scraping up the vinyl.  That was pretty much just an exercise workout with not much vinyl coming up off the floor. It was stuck!
My honey decided we should just level the floor and start with a nice smooth foundation.  Leveling floors are not as easy as they make them seem in YouTube videos....just so you know.  At last we had a smooth service to work on.  As you can see above my honey laid out the tiles to get an idea on how they would look.
This is half way through laying the tiles and before the grout of course.  He is very precise and tries to make sure its all done perfectly.  Did you know that it's tough cutting those tiles manually? Yeah, I tried it a few times and seriously I don't know how he got it all done without his arm falling off from tiredness. He's my hero!  He's done most of the work. I mainly help in clean up and painting.
Speaking of painting.  This is a sneak peek of the finished floor and the wall color.  Please excuse the creepy looking sheet rock there, we will be putting down some very lovely fresh new base boards to hide all that yuckiness! It's coming right along.  My honey is currently working on the cabinets for the laundry room.  He's never built cabinets before, so this will be a challenge for him. I know he can do it though. Thanks honey!

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm linking to these parties:


  1. omg.........looking good...can't wait to see the finished room..hugs

  2. Love the tile. It's beautiful. It's great to have a designated laundry area instead of the basement. Especially when it's pretty!

    1. Hi Patricia! Thank you so much and you are so right...pretty helps everything!


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