
Monday, February 10, 2020

Heart Shaped Mini Layer Cake for Valentine's Day

How about a yummy Valentine's Day dessert?  I love a yummy and moist cake.  Chocolate cake is my favorite, but since this is a Valentine's treat, I decided to make strawberry cake.  It is pink with red spots after all!
I created this little Valentine dessert for one of my Instagram tours that I regularly participate in and then my honey and I enjoyed an early Valentine treat! It was not only easy, but yummy as well.
This is a semi homemade recipe.  You will need the following items:

Heart Shaped Mini Layer Cake for Valentine's Day

1 Strawberry Cake Mix
1 Cream Cheese Frosting
1 Metal Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter (this is the one I have)
1 Icing Decorating Kit (I used the star tip)

Mix the cake as directed.  Instead of baking one full size cake, split the batter evenly between three pans.  This will give you three thin cakes.  Bake for 15-20 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.  Let cool completely.
After my cakes were cool, I turned them out onto parchment paper and got to cutting out my heart shapes.
Stay close to the edges so you can get more heart shapes from each cake.  Press your cookie cutter into the cake and gently wiggle the cutter to make sure you're cut all the way through.
 I used three heart cut outs per mini cake.
Next, with a butter knife, scoop out your store bought frosting and add it to your icing tool.

STEP 1: Make tiny stars around the perimeter.

**Do you like my "granite" counter tops?  Go here to see how I installed them! :)
 Tah Dah! I'm fancy! Not really, but this sure is fun!
STEP 2: Gently place your next heart shape on top of the stars and lightly press to adhere the two.
STEP 3: Repeat step 1

STEP 4: Repeat step 2

STEP 5: Fill in the top of the mini cake with stars, starting with the perimeter and working to the middle.
I decorated mine with fresh raspberries, but you could use anything you like!
The combination of the strawberry cake and the cream cheese frosting was delightful!  We both enjoyed it very much!
And, if you don't want to stack them up, just make one layer single hearts.  They are just as yummy and less calories! Heehee!

If you loved this idea and want to save it for later, be sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board.  I have a Pinterest board all set up just for Fancy Cakes and Cookies and all kinds of other fun stuff and I'm pinning something new every day. Won't you join me?

GREAT NEWS!  I now have an Amazon Storefront!  If you ever want to purchase anything I'm showing you here, you can pop over to my shop and see what I've picked out for you! Click right here to visit.

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)
The Self Sufficient Home Acre


  1. oh so super yummy this also looks very pretty thanks for sharing
    come see us at

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much and you're very welcome! :)

  2. Hi Marilyn! Thank you so much for all that you do for me! Have a great week! :)


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