
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Valentine Gift Jar

Do you make Valentine gifts for your valentine?  I usually try and make my honey a treat each Valentine's Day and he loves chocolate, so it normally involves some type of chocolate.  This year its Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts. I like them too! :)
I like to make something that can double as decor until love day finally arrives.  This is what I came up with this year!  So cute!
I always say, use what you have, its cheaper that way! Ha!  I grabbed one of my small blue ball jars, some paper doilies, a map from an old book and lots of ribbons and such to decorate it with.  Oh, and of course the candy to fill the jar with.
First, I poured the entire bag of candy in the jar. Perfect fit too!
Next I grabbed a paper doily and the map page from and old book I use for crafting.  I just folded them down to fit on my jar.
Since this is temporary, I used a bit of scotch tape to hold it all in place on the jar.
The paper doily is tucked behind the map page and the map page is taped to the jar to hold it.
Next I added lots of ribbons and strings around the top.  All of it is just tied once to hold it.
Lastly, I made a sweet tag for it.  My favorite part is the center heart.
I grabbed another piece of the map that had Texas on it and guess what? It actually had the name of the city we live in on it!  I was so surprised!  I used my Cuttlebug to cut our all the tag pieces and then Zip Dry Glue to attach it all together.
I'm still impressed this tiny map was so detailed!
I love how it turned out, so adorable!
I just have it sitting on my old Hoosier as decor until love day arrives.  What have you made for Valentine's Day this year?

If you loved my project and want to save it for later, be sure to pin it to your favorite Pinterest board.  I have a Pinterest board all set up just for Love Day and I'm pinning something new every day.

Here are two more Valentine gift holders I've made in the past:

Valentine Using a Recycled Pirouline Tin 
Valentine Treat Upcycled Starbucks Bottle 

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!
I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured


  1. Saw this feature on Sew Crafty Crochet’s Blog. Very cute! I think I’ll pin it and attempt to do one sometime n the future.

    1. Thank you so much Kristie! I hope you enjoy creating it as much I did! :)

  2. So glad to see you at Homestyle Gathering, DeeDee! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Julie, I wouldn't want to miss it! :)

  3. This is so fun! My husband loves Reese's peanut butter cups, so that's always my go-to treat for him. :) Thanks for sharing at Sweet Inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much Amy! They're always a winner in our house too! :)


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