
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Our 2018 Halloween Decor

I decorate for almost every holiday and occasion.  Right after Christmas, Halloween is my favorite occasion to decorate for.  If you follow me on Instagram (ddcamp170) you've probably already seen most of these pictures on there.  Speaking of Instagram, recently I was asked to be a host for a fun hashie named #colormefarmhouse If you love farmhouse style and lots of color, please come on over and join us!  You could be our next winner and guest host with us.  I hope to see you there!

Now, on to the tour.
First up, the dining room.  My old hutch looks her best in the Fall.  All the colors of Fall go so well with her and I love to decorate her and make her a focal point.
Here are a few of the items you see here that I've made.  Click on the link below to be taken to detailed tutorials.
Mr Jack-o-lantern
2x4 Candy Corn
DIY Halloween Label Bottles

This is our coffee station where we make our daily coffee.  Its fun to change up the chalk board and decor for each season.  You can find the tutorial on all the string art you see in this post right HERE.

This little tray is in the corner on the counter in our kitchen.  I decorate all the spaces in our home.  This little jack-o-lantern Scentsy warmer is from several years back.  It is so fun to have on at night to create a warm glow in the kitchen.
This little tiered tray is also fun to fix up for each occasion or holiday.  I like to add all my small things here that would otherwise get lost in a larger area.
This wall right here, well, its a conversation piece.  I change it up all the time!  Its loads of fun to style and Halloween has been no different.  You can see how I created it right HERE.
I found all these cool mailboxes on Etsy and Instagram.
Eyeball roses from Dollar Tree!
My sweet Aunt made these Halloween place mats for me this year and I just had to do up a place setting for them.  Aren't they cute?

This wall is a collage of mirrors and old frames.  This year I decide to print out a bunch of spooky pictures I found on Pinterest and add them to the frames.  The really large one there is 16 x 20 and I had that printed at Office Depot.  All the others you see here and further on in the post I printed out at home on white card stock for a bit more sturdiness.

This is our entry hall and it too is fun to decorate for all the occasions.  You can see how I made the bats there on the left right HERE.  See way down there on the door?  That is my Spooky Skeleton Wreath that I made.  Get the tutorial HERE.

I made that crow in her nest a few years back, you can see how right HERE.
This is our living room.  The mantel and hearth are lots of fun to decorate.  You can find the Eek pumpkin HERE and the 2 x 4 Black Cats and Pumpkin right HERE.
And in our master bathroom, I printed out more of the spooky prints! So fun!  I made the white pumpkins too and you can see how I did that HERE.
You can find the tutorial on this chalk painted picture frame right HERE, there's also a free print too!
And finally, I keep it really simple outside on the front porch.  Its not really Halloween, just Fall.  I added a few Fall flowers from the Dollar Tree and this little fence picket pumpkin was easy to make.  You could even put a jack-o-lantern face on him if you wanted to.  Click here to see how I made it.

I hope you've enjoyed the tour and got lots of ideas!  Please pin away and maybe you can try some of my projects too!

P.S. Let me know if you're interested in doTerra holiday items because I can help you out! Click right here to see the Holiday Gifts doTerra offers.  I personally want one of everything! :)

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)


  1. It's enchanting! So much fun everywhere! 🎃👻🍂👾👺🍁👹👿🍃

    1. Aww, thank you so very much Mary! I'm glad you stopped by. Have a great week! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cute. Looks good and you are ready for Halloween.

  4. Hello! Thank you for giving detailed instructions for your cute projects! I recently found your blog and love your decorating ideas! Happy Halloween!

    1. Hi there and you're welcome! Thank you very much and I'm so glad you stopped by! :)

  5. Hello! Thank you for sharing detailed instructions of your cute projects! I recently found your blog and love your decorations!

  6. I came across your blog per your diy fabric softner recipe and Wow! I think we're sisters! Love, love, love tour energy and ideas! 🖤 Keep sharing n I'll keep reading n trying!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the sweet comment! Glad you found me! :)

  7. Love your decorations. Must ask where you got the "31" plates??

    1. Hello there and thank you so much! I made the 31 and the Happy Halloween plate. I just look for old interesting plates at thrift stores and then cut the "31" or phrase out of vinyl and then, tah-dah, a holiday plate! :)

  8. Thanks Dee Dee, I love it...our anniversary is Oct 31 so I will definitely be making some!!

    1. Oh you're very welcome and that's awesome! Happy early anniversary! :)

  9. Such great ideas! They all look fantastic! Thank you for sharing at Celebrate It!


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