
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Soothing DIY Lavender Foot Soak

Its Summertime and that means I'm wearing flip flops or sandals E V E R Y D A Y!  That's all fun and lovely until my feet start looking like they've been lost in the wilderness for months!  We are on a budget, trying to get our bills paid down, so I don't go to the salon and get my feet done, nope, I give myself a pedicure at home.....for FREE!  This foot soak helps to soften my rough feet before all the other steps (***see link at the bottom for those steps***).
My Mama gave me some homemade foot soak a few months back and I recently ran out so I decided to make more.  She was sweet enough to add the recipe for the foot soak right on to the jar she gave to me so I would have it when I needed it.  I asked her where she got the recipe but she couldn't remember if it was Pinterest or a magazine.  Oh well, its awesome anyway! :)
You will need four (4) ingredients, yep, that's it, just four!  You may already have all of them in your home right now!

Lavender Foot Soak

1 cup epsom salt
1 cup sea salt
2 cups baking soda
several drops of lavender essential oil (or scent of your choice)

Mix all ingredients well and transfer to a storage container, like a small Ball jar with seal-able lid.

Use 1/4 cup of the mixture to one pan of hot water.  Soak until the water cools or about 20 minutes.
1 cup of Epsom Salt
1 cup of Sea Salt
2 cups of Baking Soda
Several drops of essential oil - I used about twenty (20) drops in mine.
I used my smaller sized whisk to blend it all together.  The whisk helped break up the lumps created by the essential oil.  Mix until all ingredients are incorporated.
You can package it up in a little jar and give it as gifts to your Mama, sister, friend, teacher, hair dresser, nail tech and the list goes on and on.....or, you can keep it all for yourself! :)

I added enough for three treatments to a small jar and then made a sweet little tag using scrapbook paper and my Spellbinder's Nestibilities dies.  Using my printer,  I added the name of the foot soak on the front and the recipe on the back of the tag.  First I put a piece of wide burlap ribbon over the sealed lid and then added the cute tag.  Ready to give as a gift!

I'm thinking I'll make this up at Christmas time, but use Peppermint or Cinnamon oil for a more festive scent!  What scent would you choose?

***Here's another great idea for your Summer Foot Care:

DIY Soft Summertime Feet

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)


  1. lol.....I'm sure my feet could use a beauty soak.

  2. This sounds wonderful and relaxing!

  3. Hi, DeeDee, I love your lavender foot soak recipe! Pinned to Pinterest. Sharing on Facebook also. Your friend, Linda @Crafts a la mode

  4. Now this is something I can really use. My feet ache from all that walking I do and now I have to walk the dog. I would love to receive this as a gift.


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