
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Make a West Elm Plant Stand for FREE

Did you see that title?  Yes, we made this plant stand for FREE using scrap wood from our wood stash.  Even if you had to buy the wood, its going to be less than $10 to make!
I wanted a stand for my vintage crock so it would lift the fiddle leaf fig tree off the floor a bit.  I went to Pinterest, found one I liked, showed my honey and he put it together for me.
These two pieces of wood made that lovely plant stand.  We keep all leftover pieces of wood that we think would be usable in another project.  Sometimes we have to dig for a while to find just the right piece, but its worth it every time!

This project uses 2 x 2 pieces of wood, so if you're having to buy your wood, just purchase the 2 x 2 size and you won't have to do as much cutting.  Your measurements may vary from ours because you'll want to make your planter to fit the pot you're wanting to put in it.  Our crock pot measured 12 inches across, so that was the goal for our planter.
My honey used a 2 x 4 and ripped it down to size.  The piece on the right is an actual 2 x 2, so he took measurements from it to cut down the 2 x 4.
The 2 x 4 was used for the legs.  Using our chop saw, he's cutting them to size here which is 16" long and of course, that's times 4.
This is the center piece that the crock pot will rest on.  We cut one (1) at 12" and two (2) at 5-1/4".  To mark his center line, he laid a short piece along the side of the long piece and marked the end with a pencil.  Do this step on both ends of your long piece.
These two pencil marks is where your short pieces will need to rest.
Like so.  X marks the spot!  Now you're ready to make your pocket holes so you can screw all the pieces together.
We used our Kreg Jig Junior for this task.  It makes everything so much more simple.  My honey used his vise to hold the piece of wood while he drilled the holes.  You will drill one (1) pocket hole in one end of each of your short pieces.
He's using a wood working clamp to hold everything in place while screwing it all together.  The piece of wood on top is to hold down the pieces he's attaching so they don't pop up while he's screwing in the wood screws.
Next, I sanded everything smooth using our mouse sander.  I used a 120 grit sand paper to go over all the edges.
We decided that the base will sit 8" up from the bottom.  Here he's drilling holes for the legs to attach to the base.  Again using the Kreg Jig Junior set to make inset holes so the screw heads aren't protruding.
I forgot to mention, but before you start screwing all your pieces in place, use a small amount of wood glue at each joint to ensure a good sturdy hold in the end.  We love using Gorilla Wood Glue for all of our wood working projects.
On each leg up from the bottom, he made a pencil mark at 8".  This is the mark he used when attaching the base to the legs.  The base sat below each pencil mark.  We used 3" wood screws to hold every piece in place.
Here's the end results.  It's just what I wanted and AGAIN, just like the last plant stand, he used no instructions.  He just looked at a picture I showed him and made it!  People like him are AMAZING to me!
Using 2 x 2 wood, cut the following lengths:
4 each - 16 inches long
1 each - 12 inches long
2 each - 5-1/4 inches long

Because this plant stand will be living inside, I didn't seal it.  However, if your plant stand is going to live outside, you really need to seal it somehow.

I hope I explained this well enough for you to make one too, because unlike my honey, I need some instructions! Haha!

Here are a few more things we've built:

Stair Step Plant Stand
How to Make a Small Garden
Installing a Barn Door
DIY Return Air Vent Grille

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)


Thank you for visiting Clover House and taking the time to leave a comment! We LOVE comments and suggestions! Have a lovely day! :)