
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Vintage Decorating - Give Thanks

My old hutch. She's chippy and cracked, but she's beautiful to me, especially this time of year! I love decorating my hutch for the Fall.  You see, she has the perfect colors for Fall decorating.
My honey gave this hutch to me when we first started dating.  A strange gift for your girlfriend?  Not to me, it was a perfect gift!  I think he was trying to win my heart over and he did a fine job of it for sure!
The rest of the goodies I use to decorate with, I've collected over the years.  For some reason around Thanksgiving time, I choose to decorate with kitchen or food related items.  It seems to go so well.
You can never have enough jello molds and this isn't even half of what I actually have! I can't resist them when I see them.  And you know what? I don't even like jello!  I think I have a problem!
I always set out my little Thanksgiving crew to watch over everything.  I've had these guys since my kiddos where little, now they are becoming vintage.
My Mama started this collection.  I saw the small platter at a swap meet and had to have it.  Why?  Because I remembered my Mama had a piece or two and its perfect coloring for my kitchen area.  The big platter there, that's Mama's, she shared with me!  She also gave me the coffee pot last year for Christmas, a find on Etsy.  I'm still looking for more pieces.
If you're a collector like me and you want to decorate vintage, all you have to do is shop your stash and you can change the decor up differently for every occasion.  Every holiday at our house has some vintage pizzaz thrown in the decor!  Best of all, its FREE to shop your home for decorations!
Another thing that's fun and easy is changing my chalkboard art.  I saw this beautiful pin on Pinterest and then tried my best to duplicate the writing.  Thank you for the inspiration Kate, your work is beautiful!

I love decorating for every holiday using my vintage collection, its so much fun and oh so frugal!  Do you decorate with your vintage collection?  If so, leave a comment because I'd love to see your collection too!

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home
We Call It Junkin


  1. Hello there, I love the vintage stuff and this cabinet is just beautiful though my color choices are more muted I love how this all works together! I will be featuring this post tomorrow on my blog at Tuesdays with a Twist, stop by for a peek. :-) Have a great week.

  2. THAT is an amazing cupboard! I have seen them here and there at our local antique/vintage shops. Sadly, our home is too small for the luxury of I live vicariously through your post!! Enjoy the week!!


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