
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

My Mama always made homemade spaghetti sauce, but I always used the ready made jar version and doctored it up. Why? Because I thought it took too long to make homemade.  I never tried it until one night for supper I wanted to make spaghetti but I didn't have any sauce, so off to Pinterest I went!  I found a yummy recipe here.  I changed my recipe up a bit because I used what I had on hand.
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
  • 2 lbs lean ground beef
  • 2 large cans (28 oz.) diced tomatoes
  • ½ yellow onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 tsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp garlic salt
  • ¼ cup fresh basil (1/2 tsp dry basil if you don't have fresh)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  1. Brown ground beef and onions in a large pan.
  2. Drain ground beef and add all ingredients and simmer using a medium to low heat for 15-20 minutes, longer if you like.
  3. Serve over whole wheat spaghetti and enjoy!
Since I've tried the homemade sauce I've not purchased another jar of the store bought stuff!  Homemade is just so much better and it took me all these years to discover it! Just goes to show ya, Mama IS always right! :)

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home
We Call It Junkin

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