
Sunday, June 22, 2014

DIY Kids Bike Makeover - Summer Kid Fun

Do you need a fun summer project that the kiddos can get involved in?  Keep reading!

But first, have I ever mentioned that my honey is the best? If you follow me on Instagram, you'll notice I use that tag a lot! #myhoneyisthebest  You can find me on Instagram by searching ddcamp170 if you're interested. honey is a true handyman and he loves to work with his hands.  Just had to brag a little!
A while back we had his nephew over for the weekend and they decided to makeover his bike while he was here.  What a fun project!  Purple is Payton's favorite color, so purple was definitely the color of choice.  They used Krylon's Purple Gloss paint.
This was the before picture.  The bike was weather worn and had lots of peeling stickers that needed to be removed before repainting could happen.  Of course there were some minor repairs to be done as well.
The two of them worked together and got all the little tedious work done so the bike could get a fresh coat of paint.  Payton took his time and taped off each and every spoke with painter's tape so the wheels could be painted too.  While Payton was doing that, my honey worked on some of the repairs needed.
Payton even got work using some sandpaper to remove the sticky that all the stickers left behind.  They needed a smooth service before they got to painting.
After all the prepping was done, all the pieces got two thin coats of metal primer.  They let each coat dry real well before they went on to the purple paint.
The wheels got two thin coats of gloss black and the bike body got two thin coats of gloss purple.
We let Payton pick out a font on the computer and then I printed out his name onto paper.  My honey used an exact-o knife and carefully cut out the name.  He then taped it on the side of the bike and used it like a stencil and traced it with a black sharpie.  After the tracing was done he removed the paper and filled the rest in.  Pretty cool huh?  Most kids don't have their name on their bike, but Payton does!
After everything was good and dry, they removed all the painter's tape and then reassembled the bike.
The bike got new pedals, new reflectors, new hand grips, a new chain and fresh tubes in the tires.  Almost like new again!
I think they did a fine job with the makeover.  Hopefully Payton learned a lot that day and can makeover another bike someday on his own.

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home
We Call It Junkin


  1. Thanks for coming by the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Love your post and appreciate you taking the time to share. !

  2. What kid wouldn't want their bike repainted in fun colors. Way to go!

  3. The bike is awesome, but the life lesson of work and how to fix things is invaluable. Also the time spent working together will last a lifetime in terrific memories. Thank you for linking up at Wonderful Wed Blog Hop. Carrie, A Mother's Shadow

  4. Reusing, I love it!


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