
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cleaning Your Hairbrush the Easy Way

While I was Spring cleaning I decided to clean our hairbrushes too.  I thought others might like to know how I do this, so here we go!
Don't laugh at my ancient comb, I've had it since beauty school...oh and that's for about 20 years, no joke! I love it, so I keep it! Weirdo huh? LOL!  Anyways, I decided to give it a good bath too while I was at it.
You will need baking soda, distilled white vinegar, a few drops of dish soap and warm water to get your brush looking new again.
Um eeeew!  So gross and disgusting, but this is what happens when you use product in your hair!  Let's get these grubbies clean!
First, you will want to clean all the hair and debris out of your brush the best you can.  Then rinse with warm water.
Sprinkle on a small amount of baking soda.
Now drizzle on the vinegar and watch that bubbling action go to work.  Let it sit until the bubbles stop.  At this point you will want to either scrub two brushes together or use an old toothbrush to get in there and loosen the stuck on hair products.
Now fill a dish with a few drops of dish soap and warm water and soak.
I waited 10 minutes when I cleaned mine.
After 10 minutes you will notice that the soap bubbles are gone and the water is VERY dirty! Eeeew again!
Remove the brush from the soaking bowl and rinse with warm water.  If your brush is like mine, you will need to make sure to get all the water out of it.  Mine soaked up quite a bit of water so I just turned it over with the bristles down and squeezed on it until all the water came out of it.  Lay it on a towel bristles down to dry.
Now its like I have a new brush again.  This brush happens to be about 4 years old, but now it looks new again!

Want to see more of my cleaning tips for using vinegar? Just click on the links below.

Cleaning an HE Washer with Household Products

Remove Hard Water Buildup Naturally 

DIY Carpet Cleaning 

Cleaning Your Hairbrush the Easy Way 

Cleaning Your Oven

Cleaning Your Sink's Spray Nozzle

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Home Sweet Home


  1. Thanks for sharing this! I`ve been meaning to wash my brush but I quickly changed my mind when I saw how gross it looked :)) I thought about better buying a new one. But instead, I`ll try it your way! It seems to be working...your brushes look like new!

  2. So have to try this! I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams on Fridays :D Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party.

  3. Great post! I really need to do this with mine! I was contemplating just tossing them and getting all new ones but I will do this for sure!
    P.S. I found you through the link party on

  4. I have 3-4 Mason Pearson boar bristle & plastic hairbrushes that I have used for decades (no exaggeration) I fill the sink with hot water, pour in a good dollop of sudsy ammonia then put my combs & brushes in for at least 10 minutes. Drain the sink, rinse everything with cold water & put the brushes face down on a towel to dry. Since these are "cushion brushes, I always squeeze them to get any extra water out. The ammonia cuts the grease, etc. no scrubbing is needed. (of course you comb all of the hair out that you can first; in fact, these brushes come with a little "cleaner brush" for that.) My brushes & my good Revlon comb have held up using this cleaning I said, I got these brushes in the 70s, 80s, & 90s! They are an investment but well worth it if you have a lot of hair.

    1. I've never thought of using ammonia, thanks so much for the tip! :)

  5. My mom always used ammonia and it's so easy.

    1. Hi Peggy! Great tip, I've never tried, but I will soon! :)


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