
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Twig Snowflake Ornament

The other day while scrolling through Pinterest I saw THIS little cutie and decided it would be the perfect thing to add to a gift I wrapped in brown paper.  Its like adding a gift to a gift...just a little something extra!  An ornament to keep even after the wrapping is set aside.
This little lovely cost me nothing to make because I already had everything on hand and I just shopped the front yard for the twigs I needed.  Stay tuned for a larger version I made.
I used a pair of Fiskar tree trimmers to cut my twigs to length.  Mine measures about 5 inches across, but I suppose you could make yours as big or little as you needed.
I used my hot glue gun to "stick" everything together, but I was left with the ugly glue showing.
So I went digging in my old Christmas decorations and found some little plastic greenery that was a perfect fit. It even had snow on it!  I added those on with hot glue as well.  To cover the glue out on the end pieces I added a little more glue and some Martha Stewart glitter. Scroll back up to the very first picture for what that looks like.
I added a little red ribbon bow to one side and then another ribbon for hanging it and I was done!
I thought it was the perfect touch for a package dressed in brown paper and red twine.  Here it is under our front porch tree sitting in our old wagon.  Please join us next week for a post on how we decorated this tree and to see the larger star version of the twig snowflake for the tree topper I made for it.

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm linking to:

Saturday Seven
Keeping It Simple

My Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaGrab a Bloom Button

I Heart Nap Time


  1. Such a beautiful idea! I absolutely love it. I've got to try this out. Pinning it right away. Megan

  2. It's adorable DeeDee! Very clever use of natural elements. It looks beautiful on the package. Thanks for sharing your tutorial, too.

  3. I love this! Such a great way to pretty up a package! Thanks so much for sharing at Clean and Scentsible. I will be featuring this tomorrow. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
    Jenn ;)


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