
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fall Wreath with Burlap and Pine Cones

We needed a new pretty Fall wreath for the front door so I went and gathered some goodies from my craft stash. I have a whole room full of crafty goodness, lots to choose from.  No going to the store for this project!  YAY!  So who doesn't like burlap and pine cones...especially when they are free or really cheap!
A couple of years ago I went to the local feed store and got a few feed sacks for another project I did for Christmas gifts one year (see it HERE) so I had the burlap left from that and my sweet Mama has two giant pine trees in her front yard that endlessly give off tons of pine cones every single year!
Fall Wreath Supplies
Glue Gun - using the low setting if you have it
Needle Nose Pliers
Grapevine wreath - 18"
Pine Cones - 2 large
Vintage Buttons
Needle and thread
Old book pages - 4
Heavy card stock paper - 3 about 4 x 4 in size, snip off each corner to round it a bit

To make the burlap flowers:  For the base layer I used the bottom edge where the sacks had been sewed together.  I took one of the 4 x 4 pieces of card stock and laid some hot glue in the center and worked it into a round form gathering as I went.  For the center of the flower I took a strip of burlap and along one edge I gathered it up using a running stitch and pulled it tight to make it into a flower shape.  Glue that piece on to your base piece and add a button for the center. Using another 4 x 4 piece of card stock, the little burlap fans on each end are just half a circle, half a center flower with no button.  Create the other full center flower with the button added to it to add when you are assembling.
To make the pine cone flowers I had my honey cut them into 3 pieces for me.  He used needle nose pliers to cut them.  Since the bottom and middle pieces were exposing their centers I added back a few "petals" with hot glue then topped them with a button to finish them off.
I also added the old book pages just to add a bit of interest.  First I tore the page out of the book and trimmed away all the blank parts then I fan folded them at 1/2" increments then crumpled them up for the rustic look.

After I had all my pieces made I started to assemble it using my handy dandy hot glue gun.  NOTE: When I create, whether its a card or other crafty project, I always lay it down on on a dry run first to see if I like it, then when I'm satisfied I attach each piece  permanently with glue.
Hi there! See me in the window...I still haven't mastered how to snap pictures of reflective items without getting myself in the picture. Any tips will help please! lol!

I hope you've enjoyed my little tutorial on how to make a Fall wreath today.  I also hope you enjoy your family and friends today as well.  We are spending the day with my sweet Mama. I wonder if I can bring some more pine cones home today? Heehee!

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!

I'm Linking to:
These lovely and FUN parties!
Between Naps on the Porch
The Dedicated House  - (I was featured)


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