
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Working on the Dining Room

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 Happy Sunday!

While working on the living room, we have also been working on the dining room trying to get it into the current year of 2011.  I guess back in 1982 this "lovely" green floral wallpaper was all the rage! Uumm, not for me!  This picture was snapped on the day we toured our home for the first time.

You may notice the shiny brass and white ceiling fan with the sweet little angel pull on the chain and also the little brass rail going around the top of the cabinets along front of the faux soffits.  All of that is gone, but that's another story for another day!
Thanks to my honey's Dad, all the hideous green wall paper is gone!  See the blue chalk line there on the wall?  That's what we are working on next.  We are installing a wainscoting and chair rail.  Eeek! I can't wait!
Oh look!  A beautiful modern ceiling fan on a pretty re-done ceiling...that makes me happy!  Thanks honey!  What makes me even happier is the wonderful job that Dad's doing of texturing the walls!  Can you tell what he's using to texture with?
A little closer look.  It's a WalMart sack!  How cool is that?  I think I might be able to do this type of texturing!  He just blots the texture on a pretty good sized section of the wall, then goes back over it with a large trowel and knocks down the peaks and makes it smoother. I love it!
Here's the wall all painted!  But now look what Dad is doing for us!  He's making the entry from the living room to the dining room have an arched opening! Gives the whole space a very interesting look!
Here's both sides of the archway up. Looking good huh?  I can't believe the transformation our home is going through! It's taking on a whole new look in just 5 short months!
The view from the living room.  Excuse our mess, we have stuff strewn all over the place and it looks a bit of a war zone here.....but we are getting there!
Dad is going to texture the living room side to match the walls on that side and the dining room side to match those walls.  We opted to use different styles of texture in each room just so the rooms would each have their own look.

I'm glad we have the long weekend to work on the dining room because I can't wait for it all to come together!

It doesn't have to be done all at once.  It is a slow process in the works! C-ya next time!
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1 comment:

  1. Lookin' AWESOME, DeeDee!!!! You guys are all working sooo hard! And your hard work is definitely paying off!!!!!! I'm just so damned happy for you!!!
    big hugs!!


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